Lismore Castle Fishery

Rates & Bookings
Lismore Castle Fishery provides for all Individuals, Groups and Families with a range of different requirements. Our Beats may be booked for single or multiple rods on a shared beat basis or can be booked for exclusive fishing only.
The Salmon Fishing Season opens from 1st February - 30th September 2022
New Fishing Rates for 2022
Syndicate Members:
The Castle Beat Syndicate Membership for 2022 is € 1,200 for 16 Days Fishing or €1,500 for 24 Days Fishing
The Golf Course Beat Syndicate Membership for 2022 is €400 for 16 Days Fishing
Day Tickets:
The Day Ticket rate for visiting anglers for the Castle Beat is €120.00 per Rod for February, March & April. Thereafter, it will be €140.00 per Rod for May - September 2022
The Day Ticket rate for visiting anglers for the Golf Course Beat is €70.00 per Rod
Fishing is by appointment ONLY ! Syndicate Members have priority. However, day tickets are available to visiting anglers subject to beat availability. There are Water Keepers in place, they will be patrolling all the beats on a regular basis.
All Syndicate Memberships for both the Castle Beat and the Golf Course Beat are to be paid annually and are by Invitation Only with references. Please see the Fishing Syndicate Page. Click here to download an application form.
Day Ticket Cards are available for both the Castle and Golf Course Beats throughout the season, to be purchased from the Fishery Manager. * These Cards Must be returned to the Fishery Manager at the end of the day.
To discuss any Rod Hire, Tackle & Bait - Please complete the contact form below or contact Joe Willoughby on Mobile no. 00353 (87) 8295449
*(Limited Rods available) Ghillie Services are charged at €120.00 per day.
The demand for fishing the River Blackwater is high and visitors are advised to book in advance prior to visiting the river.
**Important Note: We accept no responsibility or liability on the loss of any bookings, due to adverse weather conditions.
Fishing Licences:
A state licence is necessary by law before you can fish for salmon or sea trout on any Irish waters. This is regardless of any permission to fish that has been issued by the fishery owners and is not included in the specified price.
Annual Licence - All Districts Fishing Licence €100.00
Waterford District Fishing Licence €64.00
Single - Day Fishing Licence €36.00
Juvenile Annual Fishing Licence €10.00
These Fishing Licences can be purchased from the Inland Fisheries Ireland Website - Please click here (for the Lismore District Licence)
Also from Joe Willoughby, contact Mobile: 00353 (87) 8295449 or you can purchase them at the local Post Office in Cappoquin.
Our Services include;
. Salmon & Sea Trout Fishing for Individuals, Groups and Families
. Ghillie Services
. Two Fishing Syndicates
. Fly Casting Tuition & Instruction with a qualified Instructor

Please contact us on Mobile no. 00353 (87) 8295449 or Email: info@lismorecastlefishery.com in order for us to discuss the best options available to you.
The Calendar below is for checking availability only
To Make a Booking please Email the Fishery Manager at: info@lismorecastlefishery.com
To see if any Beat has been booked, please click once to view the date on a desktop computer & Laptop computer. If you are using a mobile, double click the event that is in Blue.
Lismore Castle Fishery
Our Location
Lismore, County Waterford, Republic of Ireland
Email: info@lismorecastlefishery.com
Tel: 00 353 (87) 8295449